For f***'s sake
FFS, can you at least *try* to help?

Related Slang
4COL | For crying out loud |
FGS | For goodness' sake |
FGSQTC | For gosh's sake quit the crap |
4q | F*** you |
DWHTGTTA | Do we have to go through this again |
DDSOS | Different day, same old stuff |
WTH | What the heck |
F-bomb | F*** |
SMH | Shaking my head |
OMG | Oh my gosh |
SMDH | Shaking my d*** head |
FFS ("for f***'s sake") is an acronym that angry gamers and social media users employ to express annoyance, disappointment, and/or frustration. Saying FFS is the same as saying "I can't believe this" or "WTH."
For f***'s sake is a variant of "for Christ's sake" and "for God's sake" that swaps concern for a divine entity's opinion with an F-bomb. As with most acronyms that include f***, FFS is a bit overdramatic. If you want to express your exasperation less profanely, you can use SMH or OMG in place of FFS.