You're so jealin'
I can't believe you aced that test! It was so hard
Pff, YSJ
YSJ means "you're so jealin'"
Related Slang
Hater | A person who is angry or jealous of someone |
jelly | Jealous |
Jellz | Jealous |
h8r | Hater |
icurnvs | I see you are envious |
TSNF | That's so not fair |
TISU | This is so unfair |
YSJ stands for "you're so jealin'." People use this acronym to accuse others of jealousy.
For example, if a hater tells you that your obviously-great fan art is trash, you could respond by saying YSJ. Or, you could send YSJ to your girlfriends alongside a picture of your new BF, because his fantastic bod is obvs going to make them jelly.