ATM has 2 meanings
At the moment
sorry, can't talk right now. im busy atm
np. lmk when you can talk
will do!

Related Slang
RN | Right now |
ATST | At the same time |
RSN | Real soon now |
FTTB | For the time being |
AON | As of now |
TAFN | That's all for now |
NRN | Not right now |
WAYDRN | What are you doing right now |
LYK | Let you know |
NP | No problem |
Automated teller machine
An ATM is an automated teller machine. It is a machine that dispenses cash to bank account holders that use a debit card and an PIN (personal identification number).
I'll be there in a bit. I have to stop by the ATM for some cash first

In messages, "ATM" stands for "at the moment," which people often use when updating something's current status (similar to rn). For example, your friend might text you if you want to buy tickets to Friday's game, and you respond with, "I'm not sure atm. But I'll let you know tonight."
Most people use ATM when texting, messaging online, or when gaming. For example, if a gamer asks if you are available for a campaign, you might respond, "I'm tied up in another one atm but I'll lyk when it's done." Or, your buddy may ask you how you are doing in a message online, and you respond with, "Not great atm. Been battling the flu. :("
People may also use ATM for "automated teller machine." Typically, they'll use this when speaking about matters related to money.