All or nothing
TMW it's either AON
Related Slang
DON | Double or nothing |
WP | Well played |
AYOR | At your own risk |
Rush down | To play aggressively to defeat an opponent |
Flier | Gamble on a risky player |
YOLO | You only live once |
As of now
When you're discussing the state of a project, person, or idea, AON stands for "as of now." This acronym is used to refer to the current moment.
For example, AON you are reading this slang definition. And AON, you're likely about to click away, because you've learned what AON means.
AON, Michael wants to be dead
Related Slang
ADN | Any day now |
WAYDRN | What are you doing right now |
NRN | Not right now |
CTRN | Can't talk right now |
HAN | How about now? |
AFN | All for now |
DBMN | Don't bug me now |
HTN | High time now |
Apropos of nothing
AON is an obscure acronym that people may use when messaging something without any apparent rhyme or reason. Often, they use it to preface something they are about to say that is off-topic.
For example, your friend may text you about plans for the weekend and you reply with, "aon, u hungry for a burger?" Or, your co-worker may IM or email you when your team is discussing the pending merger, "AON - I think we should change the color scheme in the latest mockup."
AON is obscure because there are more common alternatives, including "OT" ("off-topic") and "C/S" ("change subject"). When someone uses AON and goes off-topic, people may say they "derailed the convo."
Likely reply to AON
Related Slang
OT | Off topic |
C/S | Change subject |
WOOT | Way out of topic |
OT | Other topic |
OOT | Out of topic |
BOT | Back on topic |
rando | Random |
GYSR | Gosh, you're so random |
Derail | To take a discussion off topic |
CSB | Cool story, bro |
Gamers use AON to stand for all or nothing. Typically, gamers use this acronym to describe an important or risky move, which will either win them the game or leave them
For example, a poker player who has gone all-in (AI) may say they're playing an AON hand. This is because, if the player loses, they'll have no money left - and likely be out of the game.