Back to keyboard
OK, BTK now. What were you going to say?
That moment when your friend is BTK
Related Slang
AFK | Away from keyboard |
AFC | Away from computer |
EAK | Eating at keyboard |
AAK | Asleep at keyboard |
AATK | Always at the keyboard |
YOMANK | You owe me a new keyboard |
BBIAB | Be back in a bit |
BBIAM | Be back in a minute |
BBL | Be back later |
BBS | Be back soon |
BTK is a simple chat acronym that means "back to keyboard." You're most likely to receive this acronym from someone who was recently AFK.
BTK is one of many acronyms online chat users might use to signal they've returned to their keyboard. Other "hey, I'm back" acronyms include BAK and BAC.