A cute, chunky creature
Aw, look at that squirrel. It's a chungus among us

Related Slang
Chonk | An overweight animal |
GOAT | Greatest of all time |
KFC | Kid Fattening Clinic |
Fat shaming | Criticizing a person for being overweight |
BUF | Big, ugly, fat |
LMFAO | Laughing my fat a** off |
YMSF | Your momma's so fat |
Chungus means a cute, chunky creature. While the term was originally popularized by video game journalist Jim Sterling and online gamers, its use has increased and morphed such that you might hear someone at your local park shout "Look at that chungus!" while pointing at an adorably fat squirrel.
When Sterling began using the term chungus, it had no actual meaning. A Redditor named GaryTheTaco, however, paired the term with an image of an overweight Bugs Bunny, creating a mock-up for a fake PS4 game called Big Chungus. This image eventually went viral, leading to chungus's association with cartooinshly overweight creatures.