BUF has 2 meanings
Big ugly fellow
Wow, now that's one BUF!
Related Slang
BUF | Big, ugly, fat |
Fugly | F***ing ugly |
Dogface | Ugly face |
nottie | Unattractive person |
Butterface | An attractive person with an unattractive face |
Big, ugly, fat
Shallow, inconsiderate people might use the acronym BUF to mean "big, ugly, fat." This acronym is typically used by male dbags to describe women they consider obese and ugly.
You should likely never use BUF, and if someone has used this acronym in a conversation with you, you may want to explain why the acronym is inappropriate. (Alternatively, if someone has called you BUF, you may just want to tell that person to BTFO.)
He's a BUF boy ... no, not in a good way

Related Slang
SMH | Shaking my head |
Doucheling | Partial douchebag |
AJ | Absolute jerk |
Tool | Egotistical jerk |
Scrub | Loser |
Facepalm | To place your palm on your face in embarrassment |
OMG | Oh my gosh |
Headdesk | Extreme frustration |
An acronym that refers to a large and gruff person, or possibly to a cartoon or video game monster; can be used with "fella" instead of "fellow."