What the f***
Do you want some froyo after work?
Dafuq is that?

Related Slang
WTH | What the heck |
WTC | What the crap |
WTFE | What the f*** ever |
WTFRU | Where the f*** are you? |
OMGWTFBBQ | Oh my gosh, what the f***, barbeque |
FFS | For f***'s sake |
FML | F*** my life |
Go viral | To become popular on the Internet |
Froyo | Frozen yogurt |
Dafuq is a term that means "what the f***" and is similar to the WTF acronym. It is often used in reaction to something frustrating, confusing, or surprising.
The term comes from the phrase "the f***", which is used the same as the "what the f***" phrase. It can be considered an abbreviation. The term became popular around 2010 when it went viral as several different memes.