Defense of the Ancients
We're going to have a DotA LAN party this weekend. Want to come?
Yeah, I'll be there!

Related Slang
MOBA | Multiplayer online battle arena |
ARTS | Action real-time strategy |
Creep | A basic unit |
top | Top lane |
mid | Middle lane |
bot | Bottom lane |
Initiating | Starting a team fight |
Jungler | A jungle killing player |
LoL | League of Legends |
HotS | Heroes of the Storm |
Gamers use DotA as shorthand for Defense of the Ancients. This popular MOBA series started out as a fan-made mod for Warcraft III. It was then acquired by Valve, who released a standalone version titled Dota 2 in 2013.
In DotA, two teams of five heroes battle for control of a multi-lane map. Each team is attempting to push into the other's base and destroy its central structure, called an Ancient, to achieve victory.
DotA has inspired numerous spinoffs, including Artifact and Dota Underlords, and imitators, including League of Legends (LoL) and Heroes of the Storm (HotS). It remains one of the most popular MOBAs of all time and still has a significant esports scene.