Dota 2 Slang
Dota (Defense of the Ancients) is a multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) game published by Valve Corporation. The original Dota was a mod for Blizzard's Warcraft III, while Dota 2 is a redesigned sequel. Dota 2 has helped bring eSports to the masses, with tournaments offering millions of dollars in prize money. Whether you play the game or just enjoy watching the pros duke it out, you'll want to know the Dota slang terms listed below.
Slang Term | Meaning | Votes |
Squishy | Low base health or defense | 569 |
BO5 | Best of five | 578 |
Farm | To gather supplies | 578 |
DotA | Defense of the Ancients | 581 |
Last hitting | Striking the final hit on a creep | 583 |
bot | Bottom lane | 585 |
CS | Creep score | 586 |
Initiator | A DOTA hero that starts a team fight | 586 |
Creep | A basic unit | 586 |
Denying | Killing your own creeps to prevent your enemy from killing them | 586 |
top | Top lane | 586 |
WCG | World Cyber Games | 586 |
ARTS | Action real-time strategy | 586 |
Jungler | A jungle killing player | 586 |
Micro | Unit micromanagement skill | 588 |
mid | Middle lane | 594 |
aghs | Aghanim's Scepter | 595 |
Fountain diving | Attacking an opposing player in his fountain | 595 |
Laning | Staying in a lane | 595 |
Farming | Earning experience and items | 596 |
Lane | MOBA map path | 596 |
BIS | Best in slot | 596 |
Bottom | Bottom lane | 598 |
Dire | The dark faction in Defense of the Ancients 2 | 598 |
Radiant | The light faction in Defense of the Ancients 2 | 598 |
Initiating | Starting a team fight | 599 |
Juking | Using items in the environment and moving around to escape | 600 |
Zoning | Constraining enemy positions | 600 |
ss | Miss | 610 |