Manipulating information to create doubt
She finally set up a hidden camera and discovered that he was gaslighting her this whole time
The feeling of a gaslighting victim
Related Slang
Ghostlighting | Stop communicating with someone and pretend like you don't know him |
Zombieing | Returning to someone you left abruptly and acting like you mutually ended it |
Haunting | Following a romantic partner on social media after abruptly leaving them |
Orbiting | Following someone on social media without direct interaction |
Love bombing | Bombarding someone with acts of adoration |
BAIC | Boy am I confused |
Alternative facts | Lies used to replace facts |
blvmot | Believe me on that |
DBTS | Don't believe that stuff |
Solange | Crazy |
Gaslighting is a term for when a person purposefully confuses someone by giving them false information in order to create doubt in their own memory. It is commonly done in relationships and in the work setting in order to intimidate and manipulate people. It is also done by corrupt governments in order to control their citizens.
The term comes from "Gas Light," a 1938 stage play where a husband tries to convince his wife that she is insane by changing small features in their environment. Gaslighting may involve giving people false information and/or moving objects that they will notice in order to convince them that they are losing their mind.