Gee, I wish I'd said that
You should have outlined how you planned and implemented the food distribution for thousands of people in the community through your church
GIWIST in my job interview

Related Slang
GIWISI | Gee, I wish I said it |
AISE | As I said earlier |
AISB | As I said before |
TWHS | That's what he said |
TWSS | That's what she said |
TWIS | That's what I said |
Brain fart | Brief absence of intelligence |
BF | Brain fart |
Facepalm | To place your palm on your face in embarrassment |
Headdesk | Extreme frustration |
GIWIST is an acronym people may use in messages when regretting that they hadn't said something in an earlier situation. For example, if your friend makes a funny comment in a text message, you might reply with, "GIWIST. Brilliant!"
There are numerous occasions when you might use GIWIST. Some include when you realize something funny, intelligent, or comforting you could have said in a moment when you said nothing or something forgettable. For example, your wife might share how you could have responded to your boss' inappropriate joke, and you reply with, "GIWIST. That would have been much better than remaining silent like I did."
You may also encounter GIWISI, which is similar to GIWIST but replaces "that" with "it." GIWIST is often a byproduct of conversation remorse.