In my opinion
IMO, Macs are easier to use than PCs
IMO means in my opinion
Related Slang
IMAO | In my arrogant opinion |
IMHO | In my humble opinion |
IMHO | In my honest opinion |
IMPO | In my personal opinion |
IMBO | In my biased opinion |
JMO | Just my opinion |
IMPOV | In my point of view |
m.02 | My two cents |
M02 | My two cents |
MOO | My own opinion |
IMO is an acronym that stands for "in my opinion," which is a quick way to share what you think. People commonly use IMO at the beginning or end of a sentence to share an opinion.
The acronym is often used in places where discussions take place, such as forums and in texts. It has also become popular on social sites like Facebook and Twitter as more social and political opinions are being expressed.