Information Technology
My computer keeps freezing up, better go get the IT gal
Turning it off and on again solves more IT problems than you'd think
Related Slang
Automagically | Magically automatic |
tech | Technology |
comp | Computer |
AV | Audio/Video |
ABCP | A bad computer professional |
hlp | Help |
HMP | Help me, please |
ISP | Internet Service Provider |
LAN | Local Area Network |
sw | Software |
e-ok | Electronically OK |
IT stands for "information technology." This acronym refers to computing and its related technologies (such as hardware, software, networking, and the Internet), as well as the professionals who work with those technologies.
As businesses have become more and more dependent on modern computing technology, their IT departments have grown accordingly. Most every modern office worker now knows what the acronym IT stands for, or at the very least, knows to call their IT person when their computer freaks out.