Technical Slang
The tech world is filled with acronyms and abbreviations. Whether you are discussing hardware, software, the Internet, or some other technology, there's a good chance technical acronyms will enter the conversation. The list below will help you understand more of what tech-savvy people are saying and may even help you build your own geek lexicon.
Slang Term | Meaning | Votes |
AI | Artificial intelligence | 539 |
sfx | Special effects | 558 |
dl | Download | 561 |
TOS | Terms of service | 571 |
CC | Carbon copy | 580 |
CG | Computer Graphics | 580 |
ul | Upload | 581 |
FPS | Frames per second | 581 |
SMS | Short Message Service | 582 |
IT | Information Technology | 583 |
C.AI | Character.AI | 583 |
HTTP | HyperText Transfer Protocol | 586 |
FT | FaceTime | 588 |
Techlexia | Difficulty using technology | 589 |
CGPT | ChatGPT | 589 |
RTFM | Read the flippin' manual | 590 |
404 | Page not found | 590 |
CSS | Cascading Style Sheet | 590 |
tb | Terabyte | 590 |
pw | Password | 592 |
SERP | Search engine results page | 592 |
SEO | Search engine optimization | 592 |
URL | Uniform Resource Locator | 592 |
GIF | Graphics Interchange Format | 592 |
WWW | World Wide Web | 592 |
HTTPS | HyperText Transfer Protocol Secure | 593 |
HDD | Hard Disk Drive | 593 |
Crapple | Apple | 593 |
LOC | Lines of code | 593 |
OTP | One-time password | 593 |
M$ | Microsoft | 594 |
BSoD | Blue screen of death | 594 |
EOF | End of file | 594 |
UX | User Experience | 594 |
ROM | Emulator game | 594 |
CTA | Call-to-action | 594 |
EOL | End of life | 595 |
BYOD | Bring your own device | 595 |
SSD | Solid State Drive | 595 |
URN | Uniform Resource Name | 595 |
Cruft | Redundant software or hardware | 595 |
2FA | Two-factor authentication | 595 |
Kill screen | A screen that prevents progress by a user | 595 |
Social engineering | Tricking people into sharing information | 595 |
Apple sheep | Blindly loyal Apple fans | 595 |
MS | Microsoft | 596 |
GIGO | Garbage in, garbage out | 596 |
vfx | Visual effects | 596 |
HTML | Hyper-Text Markup Language | 596 |
HDTV | High Definition TV | 596 |
Techlexic | Unable to comprehend technology | 596 |
EAT | Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness | 596 |
5G | Fifth-generation cellular data technologies | 596 |
BIM | Building Information Modeling | 596 |
Hackintosh | A computer running an unauthorized version of macOS | 596 |
rx | Receive | 596 |
RRoD | Red ring of death | 596 |
AV | Audio/Video | 596 |
Cheapfake | Authentic-looking media fabricated by affordable technology | 596 |
FTP | File transfer protocol | 597 |
iDevice | Apple device | 597 |
gb | Gigabyte | 597 |
CSOM | Client side object model | 597 |
Link rot | When web links go dead | 597 |
MBA | MacBook Air | 597 |
FLEDGE | First Locally Executed Decisions over Groups Experiment | 597 |
BBR | Broken beyond repair | 597 |
MTK | MediaTek | 597 |
MFA | Multi-factor authentication | 597 |
MVP | Minimum viable product | 597 |
AIO | AI Overview | 597 |
MOTU | Mark of the Unicorn | 598 |
ISP | Internet Service Provider | 598 |
MRU | Most recently used | 598 |
LRU | Least Recently Used | 598 |
Webpany | Web company | 598 |
Pwn2Own | A hacking contest | 598 |
comp | Computer | 598 |
MBP | MacBook Pro | 598 |
sysadmin | System administrator | 598 |
SSL | Secure Sockets Layer | 598 |
UI | User Interface | 598 |
GUI | Graphical User Interface | 598 |
LCD | Liquid Crystal Display | 598 |
4G | Fourth generation cellular data technologies | 598 |
3G | Third generation cellular data technologies | 598 |
mbps | Megabits per second | 598 |
kb | Kilobyte | 598 |
URI | Uniform Resource Identifier | 598 |
ANR | Application Not Responding | 598 |
VM | Virtual machine | 598 |
Core Web Vitals | Metrics that measure the user experience of a website | 598 |
FID | First Input Delay | 598 |
CLS | Cumulative Layout Shift | 598 |
Hackbook | A laptop running an unauthorized version of macOS | 598 |
KS | Kill screen | 598 |
SoD | Sleep of death | 598 |
JB | Jailbreak | 598 |
IPTV | Internet protocol television | 598 |
YLoD | Yellow Light of Death | 598 |
Spear phishing | Targeted phishing attack | 598 |
PR | Pull request | 598 |
av | Antivirus | 598 |
Bricked | Rendered unusable | 598 |
Slideware | Software that is announced but never released | 598 |
PII | Personal Identifiable Information | 598 |
JASE | Just another system error | 599 |
OOTB | Out of the box | 599 |
JIT | Just in time | 599 |
u/l | Upload | 599 |
PnP | Plug and Play | 599 |
TTL | Time to live | 599 |
BD | Blu-ray | 599 |
Xfer | Transfer | 599 |
SOTA | State of the art | 599 |
Netiquette | Internet ettiquette | 599 |
LED | Light-Emitting Diode | 599 |
MDM | Mobile device management | 599 |
MIME | Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions | 599 |
Grok | Intuitively understand | 599 |
tx | Transmit | 599 |
js | JavaScript | 599 |
ADB | Android Debug Bridge | 599 |
QCOM | Qualcomm | 599 |
TKL | Tenkeyless | 599 |
fn | Function | 599 |
PA | Page authority | 599 |
emu | Emulator | 599 |
Splinternet | A splintered internet | 599 |
EEAT | Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness | 599 |
INP | Interaction to Next Paint | 599 |
Deepfake | An authentic-looking depiction of a person that is not real | 599 |
SGE | Search generative experience | 599 |
MIPS | Millions of Instructions Per Second | 600 |
OO | OpenOffice | 600 |
br | Blu-ray | 600 |
fw | Freeware | 600 |
CRT | Cathode Ray Tube | 600 |
mb | Megabyte | 600 |
DBA | Doing business as | 600 |
DNS | Domain Name System | 600 |
Voice sniffing | Eavesdropping by a voice assistant | 600 |
SAP | Systems, Applications, and Products | 600 |
Freemium | Free with optional purchases | 600 |
ARF | Abuse Reporting Format | 600 |
Centaur | A human aided by artificial intelligence | 600 |
ICS | Ice Cream Sandwich | 600 |
Adrod | Android | 600 |
Spicy pillow | Swollen lithium-ion battery | 600 |
gpw | Global Password | 601 |
s/w | Software | 601 |
DRM | Digital Rights Management | 601 |
Winblows | Windows | 601 |
DKIM | DomainKeys Identified Mail | 601 |
LCP | Largest Contentful Paint | 601 |
DA | Domain authority | 601 |
Lib | Library | 601 |
FBL | Feedback loop | 602 |
d/l | Download | 603 |
TBR | To be released | 603 |
MAU | Monthly active users | 603 |
msft | Microsoft | 604 |
Linsux | Linux | 605 |
EOL | End of line | 600 |