Ok, give me the serial number from your comp
Related Slang
puter | Computer |
AFC | Away from computer |
BAC | Back at computer |
PICNIC | Problem in chair, not in computer |
PEBCAC | Problem exists between chair and computer |
ABCP | A bad computer professional |
Hackintosh | A computer running an unauthorized version of macOS |
av | Antivirus |
sw | Software |
hw | Hardware |
Techies use comp as an abbreviation for "computer." For example, a member of your company's IT department may refer to your computer as a comp, while helping you troubleshoot a comp problem.
More commonly, techies and others use the acronym PC to quickly refer to computers, because more people know what PC stands for. Those who use comp instead of PC are likely well-versed in technology, and used to chatting with people who have the same tech obsession.