Listening to music
Sorry I missed your call. I was L2M and had it turned up too loud!
A man who is L2M
Related Slang
MM | Music Monday |
Hipster | A person who dislikes mainstream culture |
F11 | Finger Eleven |
indie | Independent |
Pl | Playlist |
Table | Turntable |
DMB | Dave Matthews Band |
GD | Green Day |
Kpop | Korean Pop music |
When a friend or family member is currently listening to music, they might use L2M to say so. For example, if you ask a friend what they're up to, they might respond with "NM, just sitting around L2M."
In rare cases, you may also see L2M used as a hashtag on social media. People sometimes add #L2M to their posts when talking about the music to which they're currently listening.