Pl is short for "playlist," which is a list of media, such as songs or videos, to be played. The media may be played sequentially, shuffled (random play), or looped (repetitive play).
Playlists were originally utilized by radio and television stations to organize songs and videos to be re-played. But as personal computers, media devices (iPods), music services (Napster and iTunes), and the Internet spread, everyday users began creating and sharing playlists to playback their media.
Soon, playlists became digital mixtapes, especially as music-streaming services, like Spotify, Apple Music, YouTube, and TIDAL emerged. Users can now make and share music playlists from almost all recorded tracks for all sorts of genres and moods.
Some examples of different types of music playlists include dancing, exercising, getting pumped up for a game, studying for school, and setting a romantic mood. You may also make a video pl for when you need to be cheered up and YouTube is your only available friend.
That fresh pl that hits you just right
Related Slang
L2M | Listening to music |
MM | Music Monday |
indie | Independent |
Kpop | Korean Pop music |
Bro country | A subgenre of mainstream country music |
VMA | Video Music Awards |
Binge-watch | To view many episodes or movies in a row |
F11 | Finger Eleven |
Ghetto blaster | Large, portable radio |
yt | YouTube |
When you're discussing jokes or comedy, PL is short for punchline. A punchline is the final portion of a joke that, when delivered correctly, sets audiences laughing.
For example, in the joke below, "I'm lonely. I really wish my friends were back here." is the PL:
"Three guys who are stranded on a desert island happen upon a magic lamp. The men rub the lamp, and the genie inside appears. To be fair, the genie decides he'll grant each of the men one wish.
The first guy wishes he was off the island and back home. The second guy quickly wishes the same. The third guy, however, says 'I'm lonely. I really wish my friends were back here.'"
(This and many other PLs should be accompanied by a rimshot.)
The proper accompaniment to most any PL
Related Slang
LFTD | Laugh for the day |
KKWT | Knock knock, who's there? |
SOH | Sense of humor |
TWSS | That's what she said |
YMSF | Your momma's so fat |
LOL | Laughing out loud |
Cheesy | Lame humor |
LLACP | Laughing like a crazy person |
IDGI | I don't get it |
A term that refers to an eBay staff member who posts messages on eBay discussion forums; called a "pinkliner" because the title of the messages appear with a pink background.
Related Slang
bump | Forum post message bump |
c/p | Crossposting |
EOD | End of discussion |
BOT | Back on topic |
CNP | Continued next post |
NIB | New in box |
PL is an acronym for pig latin, a made-up language typically used to speak playfully about secrets. The acronym may be used online or in texts to proceed or follow actual pig latin text.
The language involves altering English words by moving the first consonant of a word to the end of the word and adding a vocalic syllable to form a new suffix. Also, it is unrelated to Latin. Ixnay on the igpay atinlay.