What does LF1M stand for?
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Looking for one more

Gamers who are LF1M are "looking for one more" player to join their party or group. If you're interested, you could be that player!

Players use LF1M less commonly than the more popular LFG (looking for group) and LFP (looking for party) acronyms. However, it's still good to know what LF1M means, so you can snag the rare open spot advertised using LF1M.


Sometimes, you may not be the player a party leader is looking for ...
Sometimes, you may not be the player a party leader is looking for ...

Related Slang


Updated September 28, 2021

LF1M definition by Slang.net

This page explains what the acronym "LF1M" means. The definition, example, and related terms listed above have been written and compiled by the Slang.net team.

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