Looking for more
LFM ... need a tank
A player about to enter LFM in chat
Related Slang
LF | Looking for |
LF1M | Looking for one more |
LFG | Looking for group |
LFP | Looking for party |
Tank | Hardy character |
DPS | Damage per second |
Pubstomp | To annihilate an uncoordinated opposing team |
Clan | A video game team |
FL | Friend List |
Gamers use LFM to mean "looking for more." Players who post LFM are looking for more players to join their party or team.
You're most likely to see LFM used while playing WoW, FFXIV, or another MMORPG. In these games, players frequently form parties to complete difficult quests. You may also see LFM used when playing Rocket League, LoL, and other non-MMORPG team-based games, when players are looking to fill out their teams.