Laughing to self
I was LTS so hard when they tipped their canoe over!
OMG. Me too!
LTS while eating lunch alone
Related Slang
CTM | Chuckle to myself |
CTMQ | Chuckling to myself quietly |
GTM | Giggle to myself |
LTM | Laughing to myself |
LQTM | Laughing quietly to myself |
LTMQ | Laughing to myself quietly |
LOL | Laughing out loud |
haha | Laughing |
LMAO | Laughing my a** off |
ROFL | Rolling on the floor laughing |
OMG | Oh my gosh |
When a friend sends you a funny meme, video, etc., you might send "LTS" if you are laughing about it on the inside. It is a more reserved variation of other direct options, such as LOL, LMAO, and ROFL.
People use LTS when they think laughing out loud and being noticed by others might be inappropriate. For example, if you send your friend a hilarious GIF while they're in class, they might respond with "LTS." Additionally, LTS does not mean something is not funny enough to laugh aloud; it is just not appropriate to do it audibly at the moment.