No one cares
N1C what ur wearing - just come as you are!
Depending on context, it could be a good or bad thing that N1C
Related Slang
no1 | No one |
WC | Who cares |
FAWC | For anyone who cares |
weva | Whatever |
evs | Whatever |
D/C | Don't care |
IDC | I don't care |
meh | Whatever |
Haterade | The drink of someone who disapproves of another's actions/lifestyle |
Listen, N1C that you didn't know N1C means "no one cares" until just now. It's NBD. Chillax.
You're most likely to encounter this acronym in a text message or online chat convo. For example, someone who likes you may use N1C to reassure you that no one cares about your screw-ups or quirks, while your haters may try to convince you that N1C about you. (It's not true!)