Well, you got me. I scoop; let's go to game two

Related Slang
Removal | A card that can destroy or nullify an opponent's card |
Bounce | Return a card to a player's hand |
Card advantage | Possessing more cards than another player |
Topdeck | To draw from your deck |
Trade | Destroy or counter an opponent's card with your own |
Lethal | A game-ending amount of damage |
Ragequit | To angrily quit a game |
FTEW | For the epic win |
Magic: The Gathering (MTG), Hearthstone, and other CCG players use scoop to mean "concede." This slang term is meant to conjure up an image of the conceding player scooping up all their cards and leaving the table.
Of course, when playing these CCGs online, there is no physical table to leave. Still, you may encounter scoop in voice or text chat, when a player is about to concede a game or match. Players most often scoop when they are in a losing position from which they can't imagine coming back.