
What is a tweetup?

Twitter meetup

A "tweetup" is a combination of "Twitter" and "meetup," which refers to an in-person get-together between people who met on the Twitter (now "X") social site. The term gained prominence in the 2010s as Tweeple wanted to take friendships, business connections, and romantic relationships to the next level.

For example, two people who initially bonded over a sports team on Twitter and then fell in love will plan a tweetup to embrace each other in person. Or, people who follow the same anime account may schedule a tweetup where they can cosplay in real life (IRL).


Seriously, you're doing a tweetup!? How well do you know that person?
I've known her for 2 years, and others will be joining us too
Dog owner tweetup
Dog owner tweetup

Related Slang


Updated July 9, 2024

Tweetup definition by

This page explains what the slang term "Tweetup" means. The definition, example, and related terms listed above have been written and compiled by the team.

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