Age, sex, location, race, picture
Ew, no thanks
When they won't send you their ASLRP
Related Slang
ASLR | Age, sex, location, race |
NASL | Name, age, sex, location |
ASL | Age, sex, location |
A/S/L | Age/sex/location |
ASLP | Age, sex, location, picture |
LMIRL | Let's meet in real life |
MIRL | Meet in real life |
DM | Direct message |
Slide into your DMs | To send a direct message on Twitter |
Facestalking | Looking through someone's pictures on Facebook |
awks | Awkward |
perv | Pervert |
HORU | How old are you |
"ASLRP" is the same as ASLR, but also asks for a person's picture of themselves, along with their age, sex, location, and race. People send it to others they have gotten to know online but want to know more about in a physical IRL sense.
A common instance when a person might send ASLRP is in an online chatroom or when sliding into someone's DMs. In these cases, they may send ASLRP as a standalone question or as part of a whole sentence.
If anyone sends you ASLRP, do not give them any information if you do not trust them. There are a lot of creepers out there.