Crack me up
Man, I had a blast tonight, I needed something to CMU
That CMU feeling
Related Slang
CSL | Can't stop laughing |
DWL | Dying with laughter |
FOTFLMAO | Falling on the floor laughing my a** off |
LHO | Laughing head off |
LLOL | Literally laughing out loud |
LMFAOPIMP | Laughing my freaking a** off peeing in my pants |
LOL | Laughing out loud |
PMP | Peed my pants |
LMAO | Laughing my a** off |
Dead | Hilarious |
OMG | Oh my gosh |
Fail | Failure |
CMU is messaging shorthand for when something or someone is very funny. Due to the hilarity of the situation, you begin laughing so hard that you feel like you might "fall to pieces" or "crack up."
People will likely use CMU when texting or messaging online, whether it be on social media or in a chatroom. For example, if your sibling shares an old photo of when you were little on social media, you might respond with "dead. that hair cmu everytime!" Or, you might text your friend a hilarious story about a recent fail and she responds with, "CMU!! I can't breathe. OMG."