Going to bed
I'm tired ... G2B
A duck who is G2B
Related Slang
c-p | Sleepy |
iat | I am tired |
TT2T | Too tired to talk |
TTTT | Too tired to talk |
Whipped | Tired |
AAK | Asleep at keyboard |
Crash | To quickly fall asleep |
GNST | Goodnight, sleep tight |
DLTBBB | Don't let the bedbugs bite |
Sack | Bed |
People typically use G2B at the end of chat conversations, to mean "going to bed." This sign-off signals that the person you're talking to is a bit c-p.
When someone you're chatting with signs off using G2B, it's polite to wish them goodnight. If you want to do so using chat slang (who doesn't!), you can use one of the following acronyms or abbreviations: