ICL has 2 meanings
I can't lie
ICL, Imma go crazy if I have to listen to "Let it go" one more time
IKR? That songs the worst!

Related Slang
NGL | Not gonna lie |
DLTM | Don't lie to me |
lyn | Lying |
TBT | Truth be told |
TTTT | To tell the truth |
ATTT | Ain't that the truth |
blvmot | Believe me on that |
ISTG | I swear to God |
IKR | I know, right? |
imma | I'm gonna |
No cap | No lie |
In Christian love
ICL is a parting acronym Christians may use in conversations at the end of an online message or email. It specifies a love people have for others rooted in and sustained by Jesus (not meant to be romantic).
For example, you may end an email or online message to the leader of your bible study with, "ICL, Brad." While people often use it to end a conversation, they may also use it as part of a sentence. For example, your friend may text you, "I'm really impressed by Josh's faithfulness. He is strong icl."
Thanks for reading my letter. ICL, me. XOXO
Love you!
Biblical ICL command
Related Slang
SY | Sincerely yours |
YS | Yours sincerely |
AAYF | As always, your friend |
MVH | With best regards |
FTBOMH | From the bottom of my heart |
AML | All my love |
AWL | Always with love |
BFF | Best friends forever |
To emphasize the truth they are about to share, TikTok, Twitter, and Snapchat users often preface it with "ICL," which stands for "I can't lie." It is similar to the NGL and no cap terms users often accompany their posts with on social media.
People typically use ICL before dropping a truth bomb to give the victim a heads up that they should brace for impact. For example, your friend may post, "ICL, I'm divorcing Michael."
However, the confession may not always be so dramatic. For example, you might text your friend, "ICL, the burgers are a little overdone."