All my love
TMW you're about to send someone AML
Related Slang
AMBL | All my boundless love |
AMBW | All my best wishes |
ILYWAMH | I love you with all my heart |
ILU | I love you |
ILU2 | I love you too |
iluvu | I love you |
ILYFAE | I love you forever and ever |
Anti money laundering
Laws and regulations aimed at preventing money laundering are referred to as AML measures. For example, legislation that requires banks to verify a customer's identity and monitor their accounts for suspicious deposits may be referred to as AML legislation.
What is money laundering?
Money laundering is the act of concealing illicit funds' origins, to make it appear as though the money was earned legally. For example, transferring cash earned via illegal drug sales to a restaurant and then depositing that cash in the restaurant's business account is a (extremely simplified) form of money laundering.
Who passes AML legislation?
Countries and international organizations, such as the United States and European Union, enact AML legislation to contain and prevent money laundering. International financial organizations, such as the International Monetary Fund, also design AML standards, as recommendations for countries to follow.

Related Slang
CFT | Combating the Financing of Terrorism |
DD | Due diligence |
NFA | Not financial advice |
Rug pull | A cryptocurrency scam |
TUI | Turning you in |
Dope | Illegal drugs |
Ill eagle | Illegal |
Acute myeloid leukemia
AML (acute myeloid leukemia) is a cancer that causes a person's bone marrow to produce abnormal blood cells. These mutated blood cells can't carry out their normal functions, which causes a person with AML to experience weakness, fever, fatigue, and easy bruising and bleeding. While AML typically starts in a person's bone marrow, it often spreads into their blood and other parts of their body.
Those who have AML (or know someone who does) sometimes discuss the cancer in health- or cancer-related forums, such as Reddit's r/cancer subreddit. These discussions usually center around managing AML's symptoms or the merits of various types of treatment.

Related Slang
Cancerversary | An important date regarding a person's fight against cancer |
MD | Medical doctor |
AIDS | Acquired immune deficiency syndrome |
HIV | Human immunodeficiency virus |
ALS | Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis |
T1D | Type 1 Diabetes |
meds | Medications |
Your family and friends might end an email or chat convo with AML (all my love). This sweet sign-off is meant to convey how much the sender cares for you.
If someone sends you AML, you should feel at least a bit blessed. Receiving this acronym means there's someone who loves you out there. You may also want to return the person's affection, via an acronym like LUL or LYL.