In-game leader
Tony's our current IGL. His tactics have never steered us wrong
Your reaction when your IGL leads you to victory
Related Slang
LoL | League of Legends |
CS:GO | Counter-Strike: Global Offensive |
eSports | Electronic sports |
Ganking | Launching a surprise attack |
IGN | In-game name |
Noob | Newbie |
FPS | First-person shooter |
COD | Call of Duty |
lane | MOBA map path |
Carry | MOBA player role |
IGL stands for "in-game leader." In team-based online games like Fortnite, League of Legends (LoL), and Counter-Strike, a team's IGL is responsible for coordinating the team's strategies, tactics, and actions.
IGLs are also known as shotcallers, and typically, they are the most experienced player on a team. Most professional (and some amateur) eSports teams have a designated IGL, who directs the majority of their team's actions throughout a game.
While there may be times it's correct to ignore or disobey your IGL, you may want to think twice before doing so. If your actions get your whole team ganked, your teammates may not want to play with you anymore.