League of Legends Slang
League of Legends (commonly abbreviated "LoL") is a multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) game developed by Riot Games. Each player chooses a character called a "champion" and joins a three or five-player team, then competes against an opposing team. League of Legends has become one of the most popular eSports games and is played all over the world. Whether you play the game or just like to watch, it is helpful to know the following LoL slang terms.
Slang Term | Meaning | Votes |
GG | Good game | 267 |
Noob | Newbie | 311 |
tp | Teleport | 418 |
WP | Well played | 442 |
GLHF | Good luck have fun | 461 |
Fail | Failure | 463 |
GG no re | Good game, no rematch | 515 |
HP | Hit points | 518 |
AD | Attack damage | 524 |
GL | Good luck | 526 |
LoL | League of Legends | 526 |
ADC | Attack damage carry | 527 |
grats | Congratulations | 536 |
Kiting | Moving while avoiding attack | 539 |
ARAM | All random all mid | 540 |
FTW | For the win | 541 |
KDA | Kills Deaths Assists | 543 |
Jungling | Killing neutral monsters in the jungle | 543 |
GL HF | Good luck have fun | 544 |
OOM | Out of mana | 545 |
Nuke | An ability that deals a lot of damage | 546 |
Ragequit | To angrily quit a game | 547 |
KDR | Kill death ratio | 547 |
AS | Attack speed | 550 |
Tower diving | Attacking an opposing player under his tower | 551 |
BF | Big freaking sword | 551 |
Instalock | Quickly lock in your character selection | 556 |
MLG | Major League Gaming | 560 |
AP | Ability power | 562 |
BG | Bad game | 563 |
GGs | Good games | 566 |
aa | Autoattack | 566 |
Champion | League of Legends player-controlled character | 567 |
ult | Ultimate ability | 568 |
cdr | Cooldown reduction | 570 |
PBE | Public beta environment | 571 |
GGA | Good game all | 572 |
Carries | MOBA players that carry their team | 572 |
Inc | Incoming | 573 |
pwn | To dominate | 573 |
mob | Monster | 574 |
GFG | Good friggin' game | 575 |
Support | Champion who plays on the bottom lane | 575 |
Q | First champion ability | 576 |
LCS | League Championship Series | 577 |
proc | Programmed random occurrence | 577 |
pwnd | Owned | 577 |
TF | Twisted Fate | 577 |
Peel | To protect a champion | 578 |
Enchanter | A champion that helps increase the effectiveness of allies | 578 |
Peeling | Protecting a champion | 579 |
BO3 | Best of three | 580 |
gratz | Congratulations | 580 |
Elo | Elo rating system | 581 |
Babysit | To assist a champion in getting more powerful | 581 |
ats | Attack speed | 582 |
Diving | Venturing far into enemy territory | 583 |
MS | Movement speed | 584 |
Ace | Solo winner | 585 |
pwnt | Owned | 585 |
Fog | Unseen areas of a League of Legends map | 585 |
Feed | To repeatedly get killed by enemy champions | 586 |
FTEW | For the epic win | 587 |
Roam | To move between lanes | 589 |
Carry | MOBA player role | 590 |
GGL | Good game loser | 590 |
dfg | Deathfire Grasp | 593 |
bd | Backdoor | 595 |
Controller | Champion who supports allies | 596 |
Diff | Skill difference | 596 |
Metagame | Outside game preparation and strategies | 596 |
JG | Jungler | 597 |
re | Replay | 598 |
GC | Get cancer | 599 |
Pwnage | Ownage | 599 |
ABAM | All blind all mid | 600 |
arp | Armor penetration | 602 |
DF | Dominance factor | 603 |
mp5 | Mana per five seconds | 608 |
Disruptor | A champion that locks down opponents | 611 |
Dunking | Owning enemy player | 613 |
BP | Blue pilling | 614 |
aspd | Attack speed | 615 |
ADAM | All draft all mid | 625 |