Side Eye
Disapproving glance
He gave me some side eye that cut right to my core
Do not make Cookie mad or she will side eye you to death
Related Slang
Side-eye | Glance expressing disapproval |
SWMBO | She who must be obeyed |
Haterade | The drink of someone who disapproves of another's actions/lifestyle |
N/C | Not cool |
SHID | Slaps head in disgust |
SMH | Shaking my head |
stahp | Stop |
Barney | Trouble |
TM | Trouble maker |
Side eye is a disapproving glance. It is often directed at you when you do something wrong.
Side eye is perfected by mothers who can communicate disappointment to their kids with one look. The act consists of a sidelong glance that can sometimes be lethal to the recipient.