Stay Woke
Stay aware of social problems
I'll meet you at the demonstration tonite at 8
Sounds good, stay woke

Related Slang
Woke | Aware of social issues |
Get woke | Become aware of social issues |
BLM | Black Lives Matter |
FOS | Freedom of speech |
NIMBY | Not in my backyard |
Lefties | Liberals |
lib | Liberal |
ROFLTRABTD | Rolling on floor laughing, thinking Republicans are better than Democrats |
IOKIYAR | It's OK if you're a Republican |
ADPIC | Always Dependably Politically Incorrect |
Stay woke is a rallying cry meant to urge people to "stay aware of social injustices." It is a challenge and reminder that problems, specifically racial ones, need to be kept in the public eye.
The phrase is considered to be politically liberal because it acknowledges the oppression of minority groups, such as BIPOC and LGBTQ people. While liberal people consider themselves woke for openly discussing these issues, some conservatives consider such discussions to be overly PC.
Stay woke is commonly used to encourage people who aren't being discriminated against to not look away from problems but instead be part of the solution. The phrase is often used by movements like Black Lives Matter (BLM) that attempt to keep racial injustices in the spotlight through demonstrations and protests.