Full of s***
A man who is FOS
Related Slang
POS | Piece of s*** |
Cap | Lie |
No cap | No lie |
lyn | Lying |
Alternative facts | Lies used to replace facts |
DBTS | Don't believe their s*** |
DBEYR | Don't believe everything you read |
CBB | Can't be bothered |
Feat of strength
When discussing tasks that require might or stamina, FOS stands for "feat of strength." You're most likely to encounter this acronym in gaming chat, when a gamer is discussing a task that will require all their power and skill to complete.
However, you might also encounter FOS in regular online chat sessions, when chatting with someone who just accomplished a difficult task. That person may refer to completing their task as a FOS.
A real FOS
Related Slang
str | Strength |
Cowboy Up | Get tough |
Tank | Hardy character |
Buff | Strengthen |
Attaboy | Good job |
Attagirl | Good job |
W2G | Way to go |
Freedom of speech
When referring to the freedom to speak their minds online and in texts, people may use "FOS." For example, your friend may post in a forum, "Thankful for FOS that allows us to exchange ideas and opinions freely no matter how weird they might be."
People often use FOS politically on social media when they think someone or something infringes upon their speech. For example, a person may post on Facebook, "I think it's scary what they are doing to our FOS on this site. So many of my friends say they no longer see my posts."
Everybody has FOS, including vegans
Related Slang
SOTU | State of the Union |
POTUS | President of the United States |
USA | United States of America |
4nr | Foreigner |
IMO | In my opinion |
Hot take | A controversial opinion |
MOO | My own opinion |
Keyboard warrior | A person that posts controversial opinions online |
tho | Though |
Figure of speech
An acronym that refers to a commonly used phrase that means something other than its literal interpretation, such as "butterflies in my stomach" or "I'd give my left arm for that."
Related Slang
BWQ | Buzzword quotient |
BIOYA | Blow it out your a** |
2G2BT | Too good to be true |
HYH | Hold your horses |
TTKA | Time to kick a** |
Someone who thinks you're FOS thinks you're "full of s***." This acronym is used to call out people who are lying or ignorant.
S*** is a vulgar synonym for "feces." As slang, s*** is also used to mean "lies" (implying your words are comparable to s***). If someone says you're FOS, they think you are lying incessantly - either on purpose or out of ignorance.
FOS can also be used to call out exaggerations. For example, if your friend says they caught fifteen three-foot bass yesterday, you can pretty safely respond with "You're FOS."