Today I learned
TIL the definition of TIL

Related Slang
ELI5 | Explain like I'm 5 |
AITA | Am I the a**hole |
OOTL | Out of the loop |
BIFL | Buy it for life |
AMA | Ask me anything |
CMV | Change my view |
DAE | Does anyone else |
TIFU | Today I F***ed Up |
LPT | Life Pro Tip |
OP | Original poster |
Netizens use TIL to mean "today I learned." Most commonly, you'll see this acronym used on Reddit, at the start of posts in which a user states something they recently learned. Most of these posts can be found in the r/todayilearned subreddit.
For example, a Redditor who recently found out about Dolly Parton's sleeping habits may post "TIL Dolly Parton sleeps in makeup, in case she has to go outside immediately after waking up." Other Redditors often comment on TIL posts, to relate their feelings about the stated factoid or share related facts.
Twitter, Facebook, and other social media users also use TIL, in much the same way Redditors do. On other sites, however, TIL may instead appear after a factoid, as a quick coda to a user's post.