Terran versus Zerg
TVZ is one of my least favorite matchups; I can never win as Terrans

Related Slang
sc2 | StarCraft 2 |
sc2nite | StarCraft 2 tonight? |
WCS | StarCraft II World Championship Series |
Blizz | Blizzard |
EPM | Effective actions per minute |
Gosu | Highly skilled |
PvZ | Protoss versus Zerg |
TvP | Terran versus Protoss |
ZvZ | Zerg versus Zerg |
TvT | Terran versus Terran |
StarCraft 2 (SC2) players use TvZ to stand for Terran versus Zerg. This acronym describes a match in which a Terran player faces off against a Zerg player.
In SC2 PvP (not to be confused with Protoss versus Protoss) games, players pick from one of the game's three races and attempt to defeat their opponent. The Terrans are SC2's human race, while the Zerg are xenomorphic mutants.
Typically, the TvZ matchup is decided by whether the Terran player can disrupt and defeat the Zerg player before the late game. If the Zerg player survives to the late game, their superior numbers and units will likely overwhelm the Terran player.