Work Boyfriend
Best male friend at work
FML, my work boyfriend is transferring to a different branch, I should just transfer too

Related Slang
Work husband | Favorite male work companion |
Work wife | Favorite female work companion |
Work girlfriend | Best female friend at work |
BFAW | Best friend at work |
AAF | As a friend |
Biffles | Best friends for life |
bf | Boyfriend |
Broseph | A male friend |
FHO | Friends Hanging Out |
B2W | Back to work |
AWLTP | Avoiding work like the plague |
Work boyfriend is a term that refers to a person's favorite male coworker. The relationship is supposed to be purely platonic, although it doesn't mean that one or both will not develop romantic feelings (Jim and Pam from "The Office").
Work boyfriend is often used by females who already have a real boyfriend. It is not meant to make a SO jealous, only to convey how close the friendship is. Although, if the friendship is really close and permeates to outside of work, jealousy could ensue.