Work Wife
Favorite female work companion
I'm so glad you have a work wife to talk you up to the boss
Yeah, Tracy is a great friend

Related Slang
Work husband | Favorite male work companion |
Work girlfriend | Best female friend at work |
Work boyfriend | Best male friend at work |
BFAW | Best friend at work |
AAF | As a friend |
Biffles | Best friends for life |
BFF | Best friends forever |
gf | Girlfriend |
FHO | Friends Hanging Out |
B2W | Back to work |
AWLTP | Avoiding work like the plague |
A work wife is a female companion you spend the most time with at work. It is the same as the work girlfriend term but sometimes used instead to label a more committed friendship.
People may have a work wife even if they are actually married. The term is not meant to make a SO jealous, only to convey how close and supportive the friendship is between the two people. For example, they may root for each other to get promotions, have lunch together, or cover for each other at work.
While work marriages are typically platonic, but they sometimes lead to romantic feelings. If the relationship crosses any boundaries and extends outside the work environment, romantic feelings may arise.