An insulting compliment
I just got a complisult from my teacher about my outfit
Wow, rude

Related Slang
ICE | Invidious comparison eating |
Chirp | Insult |
Drag | To insult |
Rashing | Insulting |
Tweetsult | Insulting tweet |
Brain fart | Brief absence of intelligence |
BF | Brain fart |
BFU | Brain free user |
derp | Expression of stupidity |
MB | My bad |
IKR | I know, right? |
A complisult is a compliment a person gives that is also offensive. For example, a person may comment on a pic you share online, "You look amazing in this photo. I didn't even recognize it was you!"
It is unclear who coined "complisult," but it is a combination of "compliment" and "insult," which people may also refer to as a "backhanded compliment." Additionally, people may intentionally dish out complisults, or they may be entirely accidental.
For example, a jealous friend may give you a complisult about your new house, and you know it was on purpose. Or, a mother-in-law who means well but often sticks her foot in her mouth may give you a complisult about your cooking (also known as ICE, which stands for "Invidious comparison eating").