I could, of course, be wrong
I think we may still have a shot at the playoffs, though ICOCBW
A man who is about to send ICOCBW
Related Slang
CMIIW | Correct me if I'm wrong |
ICBW | It could be worse |
IMBO | In my biased opinion |
IMHO | In my humble opinion |
JMO | Just my opinion |
02 | Two cents |
IMCO | In my considered opinion |
AFWIW | Anyway, for what it's worth |
M02 | My two cents |
People who send you ICOCBW (I could, of course, be wrong) are admitting that it's possible (but unlikely ... no, really unlikely ... like the most unlikely thing ever) a previous statement they made may be wrong. Typically, people use this qualifying acronym after sharing a questionable opinion.
For example, your friend who's really into NFTs may send you a message that says, "ICOCBW, but I think BAYC NFTs are the best purchase you can make right now." You should cut this friend out of your life immediately.