I always send lings out early when I play Zerg
Even against Protoss?

Related Slang
Speedling | Zergling with Metabolic Boost |
Bling | Baneling |
ZvT | Zerg versus Terran |
ZvP | Zerg versus Protoss |
ZvZ | Zerg versus Zerg |
muta | Mutalisks |
ovie | Overlord |
gglords | Broodlords |
StarCraft 2 (SC2) players use ling as shorthand for zergling. This speedy little Tier 1 unit is the lynchpin of the Zerg army.
Lings can serve as attackers, defenders, harassers, and scouts. Because lings are easy to spawn and incredibly useful, you're likely to encounter (lots of) them in every Zerg matchup. Typically, Zerg players transform their lings into speedlings at the earliest-possible opportunity, to make them even speedier.