He killed my ovie and supply-blocked me. Otherwise, I think I would have won

Related Slang
ling | Zergling |
Muta | Mutalisks |
gglords | Broodlords |
Speedling | Zergling with Metabolic Boost |
ZvT | Zerg versus Terran |
ZvP | Zerg versus Protoss |
ZvZ | Zerg versus Zerg |
StarCraft 2 (SC2) players sometimes refer to the Zerg's overlords as ovies. The ovie is a basic Zerg unit, which provides the control (aka supply) Zerg players need to build other units.
Zerg players typically build many ovies throughout the game, to increase the number of other units they can build. Upgraded ovies are also transport and scout units, which can be used to ferry other units around and detect opponents' expansion.