Men's rights activist
I’ve been reading about the MRA movement, and some of their points on family law are interesting
Yeah, but the problem is that it’s often associated with anti-feminist views, which can overshadow the real issues
True, it’s a complicated topic. Some of their concerns definitely deserve attention, though

Related Slang
Slacktivism | Lazy activism |
Slacktivist | Lazy activist |
FOS | Freedom of speech |
ADPIC | Always Dependably Politically Incorrect |
PC | Politically correct |
Performative activism | Advocating a cause to gain social standing |
Wokefishing | Pretending to have progressive political views |
Woke | Aware of social issues |
Cybermob | A group of online users that harasses other users |
Chad | A physically fit, overly confident man |
Incel | Involuntary celibate |
SJW | Social Justice Warrior |
Feminazi | An aggressive feminist |
MRA refers to individuals or groups advocating for men's rights, often in response to what they perceive as gender inequality against men. The movement emerged in the late 20th century, particularly during the 1980s and 1990s, as a counterpoint to feminist movements, though many MRAs claim their advocacy is about equality rather than opposition to feminism.
The acronym carries some controversy. For example, those who associate the movement with misogynistic attitudes or the rejection of women's rights advancements may use it disparagingly. While some MRAs argue that their goals are misunderstood and that they seek to address legitimate social issues affecting men, critics often view the term as linked to a backlash against feminism.
You will likely see MRA referenced in online forums, social media, and political discussions, mainly when talking about gender dynamics. For example, MRAs may argue online that issues such as biased family courts, men's health, false accusations, and the lack of support for male victims of domestic violence should be addressed more seriously.