Taters are one of the most versatile and hearty foods in the world. They are easy to grow and produce some of the most beloved food items, including mashed and baked potatoes, fries, and tater tots.
Most people (besides Gollum) know what taters are since it is a common abbreviation. People use it in various contexts, whether IRL, online, or in messages.
For example, you may ask your cousin what his favorite Thanksgiving food is, and she replies, "Mashed taters, of course!" Or, you might ask your friend what you can pick up at the grocery store, and he replies, "we need taters, plz."
Roasted taters are such a great fall food
OMG, my mouth is watering
The world would be a better place with less haters and more taters
Related Slang
tots | Tater tots |
Brepper | Breakfast for supper |
Brenner | Breakfast for dinner |
delish | Delicious |
Hangry | Angry because you're hungry |
Silverstoning | Chewing up food before serving it |
Hot dish | A type of baked casserole served hot in a dish |
Foodie | A person who loves food |
Boy dinner | A junk food dinner |
Netflixing | Eating a lot of food when you mean to eat just a little |
Girlfriend tax | Food taken by your girlfriend |
Food baby | A bloated stomach from eating a lot of food |
Food coma | Tired feeling after eating a lot of food |
BK | Burger King |
McD | McDonald's |
A term that refers to a home run, most likely an especially long and impressive home run.
The term has mysterious origins. Some persons claim that it was first coined by Reggie Jackson, while others say it evolved from players using the term "mash" to describe how hard a player hit a ball. And since people love food and mashed potatoes are universally adored, it became "mashed taters." It is similar to the Yard home run slang term.