Whatever idiot
Maybe you should practice more and then you'll almost be as good as me
That wei expression
Related Slang
ID10T | Idiot |
DIp | Idiot |
Goon | An unintelligent, often muscular person |
OPI | Overpaid idiot |
watev | Whatever |
watevs | Whatever |
we | Whatever |
wtv | Whatever |
Wei is an abbreviation people may use as a response to a comment they disagree with or a statement from someone they dislike. People typically use wei when messaging, including disagreeing with annoying gamers.
For example, if someone makes an insensitive comment about your weight, you may reply with, "wei. who asked you?" Or, a gamer may talk trash about your abilities during a match, and you simply reply with, "wei."
While people may use wei seriously as an insult, some may use it to be playful. Typically, you can tell by the context in which the person uses it.