A "dip" is a jerk, idiot, or rude person. For example, if a guy cuts you off in traffic, you might call him a dip.
Dip is a sanitized version of "dip s***" that people often use to offend fewer people. After all, if someone is rude to you, that doesn't mean you need to be rude to them.
You can use dip online or offline, and most people will recognize it as an insult. However, if you want to use a different takedown, you can try goon, douchebag, or tool.
That guy is such a dip. I don't like how he treats people
Related Slang
Goon | An unintelligent, often muscular person |
ID10T | Idiot |
OPI | Overpaid idiot |
wei | Whatever idiot |
DAH | Dumb a** hole |
Bimbo | A dumb and attractive female |
Tool | Egotistical jerk |
Douchebag | An arrogant jerk |
AJ | Absolute jerk |
Scrub | Loser |
WAJ | What a jerk |
YTA | You're the a**hole |
Citiot | Idiot from the city |
A person who's gotta dip has to jet. Dip may also be used as part of the phrase "dip out," which means roughly the same thing as dip.
Someone who is dipping typically does not want to leave, but must for some compelling reason. For example, your friend may have to dip out of your girls' night because she is taking the LSAT in the morning, and she needs a good night's sleep.