Enter combat
Related Slang
MMORPG | Massively multiplayer online role-playing game |
WOW | World of Warcraft |
Blizz | Blizzard |
Boomkin | Moonkin druid |
brez | Battle resurrection |
Debuff | Weakening effect |
adds | Additional mobs |
To hit a ball to the same side of the field in which you bat
In baseball, when you are batting and pull a pitch, you hit the ball to the same side of the field in which you are batting. For example, if you are a left-handed batter and hit the ball to the same side of the field you are hitting from (the right side of home plate), you pulled the ball.
Pulling a pitch is common in baseball because batters naturally hit the ball to the same side of the field they are batting on when they hit it well. It is harder to hit the ball to the opposite side of the field (oppo) because you have to get an outside pitch (pitch away from you), allowing your bat to swing later through the strike zone.
Because batters tend to pull pitches, opposing teams often employ shifts to move their players to the side of the field the batter is batting from. Also, pitchers pitch them inside (close to the batter) to get them to pull it.

Related Slang
oppo | Opposite field |
Line drive | Hard hit baseball in the air |
Frozen rope | Line drive baseball hit |
Grounder | A baseball hit on the ground |
Mash | To hit a baseball well |
Millennial baseball | A baseball strategy of swinging for home runs instead of base hits |
Bloop | Weakly hit fly ball |
HR | Home run |
To pull means to attract the attention of potential romantic interests. This slang term derives from the concept of gravitational pull. Just as a large object effortlessly attracts other objects, a puller's good looks and/or personality effortlessly attract hotties.
Pulling can take a variety of forms. People may use it to refer to securing someone's digits, having a make out sesh, or having s3x. Often, players attempt to pull multiple people in the same night - a move that's usually ill-advised.
Pullers have magnetic personalities
Related Slang
Digits | Phone number |
Mack | To flirt |
Foxy | Attractive |
Mojo | Attractive talent |
Snacc | An attractive person |
2H2H | Too hot to handle |
Silver fox | An attractive older man |
Zaddy | A composed, fashionable, and attractive man |
A term that means to alert enemy mobs so that they are "pulled" out of a holding or patrolling pattern and engage in combat with you; used in dungeon and raid situations in World of Warcraft when "pulling" groups of mobs.