Stats has 2 meanings
Did you see Jefferson's stats from the last 2 years?
Yeah, he's gonna explode in the new offense this year
Calculating those stats
Related Slang
DFS | Daily Fantasy Sports |
FPG | Fantasy points per game |
KDA | Kills Deaths Assists |
int | Interception |
td | Touchdown |
OBP | On-base Percentage |
OPS | On-base Plus Slugging Percentage |
SLG | Slugging percentage |
YAC | Yards after catch |
pts | Points |
Personal profile information
When a person asks you for your "stats" online, they are asking for your age, gender, and where you live. People often use stats as an alternative to the common ASL acronym.
Since people use stats to collect personal information, you should always be wary of giving it out online. For example, if you begin messaging someone in a chatroom or privately on social media and they ask you for your stats, you should probably decline to share them.
24, Male, California, u?
You may be sharing your stats with this guy; be careful
Related Slang
ASL | Age, sex, location |
A/S/L | Age/sex/location |
20 | Location |
LMIRL | Let's meet in real life |
NTMY | Nice to meet you |
Creeper | A socially invasive person |
Facestalking | Looking through someone's pictures on Facebook |
awks | Awkward |
perv | Pervert |
HORU | How old are you |
Stats refers to the mathematical field of collecting and analyzing data. It is short for "statistics" and is present in many walks of life, ranging from tracking product sales to analyzing the production of a professional athlete.
For example, you may hear people discussing stats, see stats posted online, or read stats in articles. You may even take a course about stats in college.
Many people discuss stats while talking about sports and other forms of competition. For example, in fantasy football, you may analyze a running back's stats from previous years when deciding whether or not to draft him. Or, when choosing your team in an online game, you may compare players' stats to see who best fits your needs.