- 1.For sale
- 2.For sure
- 3.Full Screen
For sale
Country FS, good economy, nice people. Make me an offer.
Related Slang
4sale | For sale |
FSBO | For sale by owner |
BIN | Buy it now |
EUC | Excellent used condition |
FCFS | First-come, first-served |
FVF | Final value fee |
GU | Gently used |
HTF | Hard to find |
MIB | Mint in box |
MST | Must see today |
For sure
When messaging, people may send "FS" to answer in the affirmative or confirm the certainty of a matter. For example, your friend may text you asking if it's OK that he brings his sister to the movie, and you respond with, "fs np!"
You will likely see FS in online messages or texts, but people may also use it in online forums and social media. For example, your friend may comment on your post about your time in Hawaii, saying, "I'm FS going there for my next vacay!" Or, you might be responding to help provided in a tech forum, "FS, I'll follow those instructions when I get home from work. Thanks for the help!"

Related Slang
fo sho | For sure |
Fo shizzle | For sure |
4sho | For sure |
You got it | For sure |
You betcha | Certainly |
def | Definitely |
ofc | Of course |
obvi | Obviously |
NP | No problem |
Full Screen
A reference to the screen view of a computer or TV; the computer user could be viewing programs in windows or full screen; a TV viewer could be watching a movie in wide screen or full screen.
Related Slang
BSOD | Blue screen of death |
ss | Screenshot |
SN | Screen Name |
POV | Point of view |
WW | Wrong Window |
PC | Personal computer |
FS stands for "for sale." This acronym is commonly used in online ads and classifieds to let potential buyers know an item is for sale.
For example, a craigslist or Facebook Marketplace post might read "FS: 20 pristine porcelain penguins. Currently parked near my pantry. Please pay promptly upon purchase."
If you see something you want listed FS on an online marketplace, you may want to check whether you can BIN. Most online listings are FCFS, so you'll need to act quickly if you find a good deal.