GPS has 2 meanings
God's positioning system
While most people understand "GPS" to stand for "global positioning system," Christians may also use it to mean "God's positioning system." When they use it in this way, they are saying that God is in control of their (or your) life or the Holy Spirit is prompting them (or you) to move in a certain direction.
For example, your friend may text you after bible study, "thx again for praying for me tonite. waiting on gps to help lead me to the right choice." Or, you might post on your Instagram, "i luv my life rn. and it would not have been possible without god's goodness. #gps"
I can't explain why I ended up here other than the Spirit's GPS
Amen. So glad to hear that
God will guide me #GPS
Related Slang
GIC | God's in control |
GOK | God only knows |
GIG | God is good |
TBTG | Thanks be to God |
PTL | Praise the Lord |
TYL | Thank you, Lord |
LHM | Lord help me |
WWJD | What would Jesus do |
xian | Christian |
Theobro | A conservative male that argues Christian theology |
AOYP | Angel on your pillow |
Fundie | A religious fundamentalist |
Fundie-lite | A very religious person |
GPS means global positioning system. It is an acronym that refers to a satellite-based navigation system used to determine the location of vehicles and other devices. For more information, view the definition of GPS.